kiss me, i'm a nerd
"A nerd is an excellent provider and a guy who puts you first," says E. Jean Carroll, Elle magazine's love and sex advice columnist. "He'll turn out to be a great father and a great husband."
And, she insists that a woman who is willing to stick it out with a nerd and get past his quirks will be handsomely rewarded. "Don't give up on him too fast," she said. "If you stick with him, he's going to turn out to be really great."
I've been trying to tell that to girls for years. Little did I know the answer would come from a columnist for Elle.
Author Max Barry, writer of Jennifer Government and Syrup, has a great post on his blog explaining how ridiculous copyrights have become. It's definitely worth a read — especially if you never quite understood what I have against United States copyright law.
I am not looking forward to this Sunday. In Drexel's infinite wisdom, they have decreed that I am to move this Sunday from my room on the sixth floor to a room on the bottom floor — of the same building. I don't like moving, and I especially dislike how much I've had to do it.
Just testing the commenting system after I fiddled with the template. If we can see this, then I didn't fark up.
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